Sunday, May 28, 2017

Homily - Sunday May 21, 2017 Live like a Saint

Homily - Sunday 
May 21, 2017
Living like a Saint
John 14:15-21 (Readings) The Spirit of Truth
Deacon David Lewis
Saint Charles Catholic Church, Imperial Beach / San Diego, CA 

        We have a lot of people here on earth that we can look to for guidance, as mentors, and role models.
          One of the people I like to look at is Pope Francis, he has done some things that I really think emulate Christ. Pope Francis is sometimes controversial, he does some things that make some people uncomfortable, and he does some things that make me uncomfortable. But most of the time, when I dig deeper, and get beyond what was reported on the news, I find that what he has done or said is usually more Christ-like than I gave him credit for at first glance. Exercising humility, and love for the marginalized are often at the center of his message.
          I also like to look to my parents and in-laws; my father turns 79 years old today with my mother is just a few months behind. I am blessed that three of the four of them are still with us, and I can look at the lives they lived and are still living, and look for ways to mimic them, such as humility, volunteerism, and a nearly reflexive desire to serve the needs of others.
          But I think the best to emulate, to follow, are the Saints, they have died living a life that was pleasing to God. And they also lived lives mimicking Christ, loving others, healing others, exercising humility, and in some cases even dying for their faith. What I love most about the Saints are that their backgrounds are as varied as ours, and we can often find one with similarities to our own life.
          In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us he is going to send an advocate. Someone to journey with us, to give us counsel, the Holy Spirit. And the help is going to be needed. if we are going to live our lives emulating the Saints, if we are going to be Christians in the truest since of the word and follow Christ’s example, we are going to need all the help we can get.
We are going to need to use all seven of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to make right judgements with our wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, to have fortitude to stand up for what is right in order to give reverence to God, for whom we have wonder and awe. By using these gifts of the Holy spirit, we can stand apart from those tempting us toward sin, and be the example of what is right, to live like a Saint.
Living like a Saint may sound unobtainable. In fact I bet if you were able to turn back time, and approach of each of the Saints themselves, they would each tell you “I am no Saint” But being a Saint is obtainable, or we wouldn’t have Saints. Each of you has the opportunity, the ability, and the gifts to make the decision to be a Saint.
It starts with the simplest things: What words do we choose, are our words sweet, or sour? How do I choose to look at the world, with an attitude of gratitude, or do we let pessimism and doubt rule us?  It works to bigger things, what are the things we allow into our bodies, do we listen to music that lifts us, do we listen to talk radio that unites us, or do we allow vulgarity, and music that is far from the message of Christ to enter into our bodies, and messages of hate and distrust of others? The television we watch, does it make us a better version of yourself, or is it something we wouldn’t want our children emulating? And ultimately our choices to live like a Saint, mean that we have to make some tough decisions, such as the places, and people we work for and with, do we surround ourselves with people seeking holiness? Do we try to surround our children with people seeking holiness, with a Catholic education for them?  The easiest way to live a holy life, is to have people making holy decision next to you. Especially in our own homes, with our family, it is our goal that our spouse, and our children become holy too, that they are encouraged to strive to become Saints.
The world we live in may not recognize the holy spirit that is guiding and leading you to make holy decisions, but it will see that your decisions may be a bit different, saintly even, and THAT, they will recognize. Some people in our world will see those differences as the solution towards  the lasting happiness that they are seeking, others will feel threatened as they desire to live for the flesh, for pleasures, and the false temporary happiness that such a life delivers.

So I encourage you to seek the Holy Spirit when making decisions, but also seek a Saint to emulate, even if partially as we grow toward holiness. Seek to find how the Saints lived lives in the world that did not accept the Spirit of Truth, but somehow, they persevered in holiness. And lastly I encourage to make your homes domestic Churches, with the radios, iPads, smartphones, and TVs within your homes tuned to opportunities to grow in holiness for you and your families. Every step toward holiness is a in the right direction.

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