Sunday, April 17, 2016

Homily - Sunday 04/17/2016 - Listening to God's voice

Homily - Sunday 

April 17, 2016
God's voice
John 10 :27-30 (Readings)
Deacon David Lewis
Saint Charles Catholic Church, Imperial Beach / San Diego, CA

            I once heard a guy call in to a radio show. He had a unique gift… he could identify the make and model of a car with surprising accuracy only by hearing the car horn. I hadn’t realized until then that each car horn does make a fairly unique noise if you really know what to listen for. Another woman that called in, she also had a unique talent: she could listen to the tones of the telephone and tell you what number was being pushed. Each number has a unique tone. I was thinking back if I have ever had a similar gift, I it dawned on me. When I was training in the navy I learned morse code, dah dah dit, morse code… as we were training, after learning the basics, they would increase the speed a little faster each time, eventually we would switch from the nice clean dits and dahs, and they would use live signals. The live signals would be masked with static, voices, other communication signals, and even other morse code in the background. It got to the point where listening, or what we called copying morse code, became so second nature that I could hear through all the noise and recognize the morse code I was trying to write down, and if that wasn’t enough, I could lift one side of my headset and carry on a conversation with the person seated next to me. Training, readied   us for the real world, where there are many signals on the air waves, and we had to be able to read the one that was important to the mission.
            Each of these “gifts” if you will require training, you are not born with an ability to identify car horns, you can’t just immediately recognize the tones of a Phone, and I can speak from experience that it wasn’t until I had trained months, hours per day, that I achieved my proficiency in discerning the useful morse code from the other noises.
            In the same way when it comes to recognizing God’s voice in our lives we need to train ourselves, we need to put forth the effort to learn the subtleties to recognize what God is trying to say, to hear him through the other static in our lives. To discern what is God’s voice urging us to do his will, and what are the devil’s false noises drawing us away from God.  Our prayer life takes practice, and through exercising our prayer life , it gets better and more meaningful as we go on.
We shouldn’t wait until we are in distress to pray to God. Our prayers shouldn’t start out with “God I know it’s been a while” followed by requests for God’s intercession into an unfortunate event in our lives: an accident, an illness, or even worse…
Imagine not talking to your loved one for weeks, and then picking up the phone only to ask them to pick you up because you ran out of gas…
We need to pick up the prayer phone and talk to God more often that ... God desires a relationship with us.
You may not have a prayer life, and you’re thinking, if Deacon only knew how uncomfortable I feel when I try to pray… well … God does know how uncomfortable you may be, but I am sure he is comfortable, absolutely comfortable with working with you through the training wheel phase of your prayer life, if that is where you are at.  You can ask those that have graduated up to the ten speed stage of their prayer life, that just like riding a bike it got much easier once they had done it a few times.
So when we pray, what should we do? First, our prayer life is most successful when we can put ourselves in a quiet place, like here among the quiet sanctity of the Church, right here in front of God in the tabernacle, or at home in front of an altar of blessed objects of devotion, or quietly in a chair in a room by yourself, or … even kneeling at your bedside still works. We need to remove those things that normally distract us, so turn off the cel phone, shut off the tv, turn off the computer, maybe let the family know you wish to have no interruptions, or have even have them join you.
Second be comfortable, if kneeling is hurting your knees, don’t kneel, if you are hot open the door, turn on a fan, and get some ice water.
            Then pray… there are lots of ways to pray…
            We can listen to the Word of God through Scripture… one way is by using Lectio Divina, or divine reading, It is just four steps: First, you grab your Bible, sit down and read a short passage. You might want to try something from the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John., or even the Sunday or Daily readings. After the first time reading it, meditate on a short part of that, or even just a single word. Repeating it over and over, letting it settle deep in your heart. Second:  Be attentive to what touches your heart as you sit and meditate on that phrase or word. Third: Respond, with a prayer of praise, thanksgiving, or petition. Lastly, just be in the presence of God allowing Him to speak to you in the silence of your prayer. Listening for God’s voice
            We can also pray our traditional prayers, the Our Father, the Rosary, Prayer of Saint Francis, The Prayer of St Michael, or the Angelus … meditating…  not just reciting… but allowing ourselves time to digest the prayer, to examine these prayers word by word, pausing to think over how we can live out the message of these prayers more fully. Listening for God’s voice
            And of course we can just sit down and have a conversation with God. Talk to him like you are talking to a friend. Think about all the things that you are grateful for, give God praise for being your shepherd, give him thanks for all the graces and gifts in your life. And then, if needed, ask for intercession in your life, His guidance, and his blessings on those things in your life you are working through. And then listen for God’s voice.
            I’ll warn you now… you may not like the answer, it may not be what you expect… you may pray for a way for God to use the Church to bring you closer to your wife…. The next thing you know you are contemplating five years of formation to be an Ordained Deacon… trust me! it happens. Your prayers may even seem to go answered, in which case I will refer you to the country legend Garth Brooks, and his song unanswered prayers, and how in his high school years he prayed and prayed that God would make this certain girl his mate… long story short, many years later he is at a high school football game with his wife and runs into that old high school flame… the way he remembered her just didn’t seem the same… Thank God for unanswered prayers.
            One thing I have learned about listening for God’s voice, is that when I get the answer I don’t want, when I get a “no”, or we get a “maybe later”… it’s because God has something better in store for us. God is a good shepherd, He does not want us to hunger or thirst. He wants to lead us to springs of life-giving water, and wipe away the tears from our eyes.

            With practice we will learn His voice, to pick it out from among the noises in our lives. God is speaking to us in many ways, we need only to listen for God’s voice, and to follow where it leads.        

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